

A timely current affairs cross-nation documentary series I worked as a fixer for Flowing Films. Beating Covid-19 is a two-part documentary series regarding how the UK and Taiwan deal with the COVID pandemic in major cases, new drug development and vaccines. commissioned by Discovery Channel and SET News in Taiwan.

It’s been amazing to work on this Taiwan episode throughout the pre-production, production and post-production for Channel 5’s successful documentary series “World’s Most Scenic Railway Journeys” voiced by Bill Nighy. It has constantly hit 1.5 million viewers for its extraordinary train journeys around the world.


August 31, 2016

I supervised the entire post-production process, liaised between the Producer, Director, Editor, Supervising Sound Editor, VFX Supervisor, Animator and Colourist as well as made sure that all deadlines are met and acquired broadcaster’s editorial and technical standards.

SUNSET was broadcast on Hakka TV at 9.30pm on Saturdays and PTS HD channel, CTS channel and online platforms LINE TV, YouTube as well as ETTV America.

Watch Sunset (13 Episodes) on YouTube.


  • Line Producer

I worked in this programme as a Researcher from the development to the whole series completed for broadcast. I was responsible for identifying contributors and coordinating everything for two episodes: EP1 Luodong and EP3 Penghu.

This was the first programme on Hakka TV that broke the language boundaries to tell stories and interview characters from non-Hakkas, visiting indigenous tribes, Taiwanese architects, musicians who overcame disabilities and all walks of life living in Taiwan and the islands district. It was a creatively made and character-driven in-depth factual programme that has a universal appeal.

I co-directed three episodes of factual entertainment series “Charging Travel” in Hawaii and Beijing, collaborating with high-profile presenting talents and 40 international crews. This programme was commissioned by Alibaba Group and premiere on 5 February 2015 at Qinghai Satellite TV in China and later circulate virally on Tmall.com.

Watch the programme here: Hawaii EP1 / Hawaii EP2 / Hawaii EP3



August 31, 2008

As Executive Producer of Ba Fang Media Production, I supervised the artistic and technical aspects of Hakka Overseas and successfully won the commission for four years by Hakka TV, a satellite cable channel operated by Taiwan’s Public Broadcast System.

I was responsible for developing original stories, finding contributors, managing a team of three, travelling overseas in Asia, South Africa and European countries and editing the full programme and the trailer for the participated episode.

This programme aims to tell the life stories of the Hakka people overseas by an entertaining travelogue style, uncovering how they adapt to the foreign culture and preserve Hakka culture in the new hometown. Hakka Overseas has been nominated for Golden Bell TV Awards four times and won in 2016 for Best Travel Programme in Taiwan.

A selection of episodes that I am proud of:

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Credits: Researcher, script-writer

Kushiro, Japan

Credits: Director

Trailers: Italy, Japan, Cambodia

Italy Japan Cambodia

Credits: Director and Executive Producer